Babysitter and care search made simple



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Being a parent is a role that is both rewarding and stressful. For many parents, one of the biggest sources of stress in parenting is the lack of opportunities to spend time away from their children and recover their energy or just spend time on other activities. The problem for many parents is that it can be difficult to find a reliable babysitter that they can entrust with their child with no reservations.

Sittercity helps to solve this problem by providing a service that brings parents and potential babysitters who live in the same area together. The biggest concern with finding a babysitter should always be safety, and Sittercity takes this seriously. Though parents once looked to their extended family to help provide care for their children, this isn't always a possibility now due to the fact that it's become much more common for families to relocate. This site gives you a way to find a sitter and still feel confident that you know they will take care of your child through the use of a four-step screening process that includes the use of background checks. You will also have access to references and reviews from other parents who use the site.

Read our full review and comparison of Sittercity and Care.com

Sittercity also offers a great deal of flexibility when it comes to finding a sitter. You can browse through the listings and search them based on numerous criteria in order to locate someone in the system who meets your needs. You also have the option of posting that a job is available and allowing the potential babysitters to come to you. This makes it possible to either search for exactly the right person if your needs are extremely specific, or to save time by providing the details of a job and then only dealing with contacts from sitters that you can be sure are available and willing.

Though it may initially seem strange to look for childcare through the Internet, Sittercity provides for a critical need for many parents. It's a great way to get in touch with people who can provide childcare with the confidence of having access to plenty of background information to ensure that you choose someone reliable and trustworthy.

Learn More About Sittercity Now


Looking for a Sitter? Try Sittercity.com Now!



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